On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 11:21 PM, Florent Daignière
>  Well what's the solution then? To make Matthew work on the website? to
>  send a call for help on @announce (possibly a better phrased than mine)?
>  Shall I forget about the drupal vhost right-now and delete it?

Definitely not, its a good experiment, and may yield good results.

I think you are right that none of us are good web developers, and
frankly its going to be hard to find some web development genius to
give his time to re-architecting the website.

I think the key is to take advantage of open source, to find a good
design that is released under a free license (perhaps GPL, perhaps
creative commons, maybe something else), and use it, perhaps with a
few minor modifications (logo, color scheme, etc).

I've suggested looking at the Mozilla project, because they release
their websites under creative commons, and they have some pretty good
web-designers.  Of course we should look elsewhere too.

We need to find a way to have a professional looking website, without
a) having to build it from scratch ourselves and b) having to spend
any of our precious donations on building it.  Taking advantage of
open source HTML and CSS code seems like the natural answer to this.


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