On 09/29/2015 03:50 PM, Ian Clarke wrote:
> Bringing an off-list conversation onto the list (I failed to cc the list in
> the first place).
> ---
> Unfortunately these aren't the only ways we've fallen behind the times
> (hard to believe we've been doing this for 15 years!).
>    - Maven/Gradle are now de-facto standard build systems for Java apps,
>    and yet we're still using Ant (I was never convinced by the security
>    argument against these tools, since we don't audit 3rd-party libraries
>    anyway)

As long as we can pin dependencies with checksums or something to be
sure what jars are used, if nothing else for auditable build purposes,
I'm up for moving. ant does add some complexity because running "ant"
doesn't work without reading the README.building / adding the
dependency-fetching argument.

>    - Website badly needs an update, it looks very dated and frankly a bit
>    spammy.  Bootstrap <http://getbootstrap.com/>
>     anyone, or even the Github page generator
>    <https://github.com/blog/1081-instantly-beautiful-project-pages>
>     would be a big improvement


gerard, ArneBab, and others have been working on it. I'll see if we can
get it deployed this weekend.

>    - We could also use an automatic unit testing system like Travis CI
>    <https://travis-ci.org/>
>     (which is free for O.S projects)

There was a travis branch but we didn't bother to merge it.

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