Am Mittwoch, 30. September 2015, 23:17:24 schrieb Ian:
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 4:08 PM, Arne Babenhauserheide <>
> wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 30. September 2015, 08:42:38 schrieb Ian:
> > > I'm not opposed to using signing if we can do it without keeping the
> > > project stuck in 2001's development tools - because that will pretty-much
> > > guarantee its slow death.
> >
> > Are we actually stuck in 2001’s development tools?

> When it comes to dependency management, yes.  Maven started in 2002, and
> has become standard in the years since.

You’re right in that, yes. Ant is pretty old -- but it works. And
maven was a mayor pain for distributions to package. Using ant makes
that easier — but we’re not actually cashing in on that, since we only
have packages for Gentoo.

But then, we could make it easy to use for developers. To merge with
the other thread:

> Here is the feature.  A developer wants to work on Freenet, so they type:
> $ git clone
> $ cd fred
> $ mvn assembly:assembly

Right now it could be:

$ (install Freenet to ~/Freenet)
$ git clone
$ cd fred
$ cp ~/Freenet/freenet-ext.jar libs/
$ ant

This is slightly more involved than the maven part, but on the other
hand it requires less knowledge about maven to get it working.

We fail in this, by the way, because we do not ship junit4 and
harfbuzz in freenet-ext.jar, so people have to install those via the
distro and somehow set the paths for that in And
that can be pretty involved.

The current maven workflow for Freenet plugins looks like this, by
example of Winterface:

$ (install Freenet to ~/Freenet)
$ git clone
$ cd Winterface
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$HOME/Freenet/freenet.jar 
-DgroupId=org.freenetproject -DartifactId=fred -Dversion= 
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$HOME/Freenet/freenet-ext.jar 
-DgroupId=org.freenetproject -DartifactId=freenet-ext -Dversion=29 
$ mvn package

(documented in )

This would be easier with ant.

One more point speaking against maven (or any other java-specific
dependency management to be used in development) is that we want
anonymous contributors. Having maven download the Freenet dependencies
from external servers is pretty risky for those.

> > There are more important things to do — like getting the debian
> > package working again. And for that, using proven though sometimes a
> > bit clunky systems is an advantage.
> I'd say a higher priority would be making Freenet look remotely like a
> modern piece of software.  So many aspects of Freenet seem like a time
> capsule from over a decade ago.

I agree that this is important. I attached you a screenshot of Freenet
when using the Winterface plugin. With this it looks pretty modern.

The problem is just that Winterface still isn’t ready. The only task
for which it currently outperforms fproxy is deleting notifications
(and looking good). And it got broken by purge-db4o. I started working
on fixing that, but my time is running short again, so it would be
nice if someone else could take over…

Porting branch:

Best wishes,

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