On Saturday 17 May 2008 14:21, Julien Cornuwel wrote:
> Julien Cornuwel a ?crit :
> > The other problem is how to store the trust values. With derby, I simply
> > have 2 tables, one with identites, the other with the trust values and
> > ids if the truster and the trustee. How can I do that with an OO
> > database ? The only idea I have is :
> > Create a class Trust containing reference to the trusted identity and
> > trust value, and store a list of Trust objects in every identites. I
> > can't figure how bad it would be for the memory consumption.
> Hey ! I just thought about an ugly-but-working solution : to recreate
> the relation with an object...
> If the Trust class contains trust value and ids of truster and trustee,
> I'm able to load only what I want. And I can easily find out what
> identites are trusting one particular identity, what's not possible with
> a trustlist contained in the identity.
If you actually have code, you should commit it somewhere, whether it's 
finished and working or not. This makes life easier for others who might want 
to review it.
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