I've been reading DB4O's whitepaper (mentionned in Toad's post) and I'm
wondering if I could use it for the WoT plugin. I could get rid of Derby
and it would make the deployment simpler if db4o is shipped with freenet.

Query possibilities are sufficient to my needs but I've got a few problems :

With a RDBM, I can simply do the calculation of scores in the database
(with a trigger and stored procedures).
With db4o, persistence would be easier but I worry about memory
consumption if I have to load every identities in memory each time a
trust value is updated. An identity is about 200-250B. You see the
problem if we have 1.000.000 identites !

The other problem is how to store the trust values. With derby, I simply
have 2 tables, one with identites, the other with the trust values and
ids if the truster and the trustee. How can I do that with an OO
database ? The only idea I have is :
Create a class Trust containing reference to the trusted identity and
trust value, and store a list of Trust objects in every identites. I
can't figure how bad it would be for the memory consumption.

Do you think it is feasible and worth the work ?

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