On Thursday, 3 May 2012 at 14:30:38 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
I suggest:

1. Only expand tree to the level of the current symbol selected. So for instance, you click on std.datetime, you see all the top-level symbols of std.datetime *not* expanded. If you click on std.datetime.Month, the Month enum expands in the tree.

You mean like the module list currently works with packages and modules?

2. When inside a module, only show the packages of that module as breadcrumbs, without indentation. That saves you the white space.

Packages of a module?

I'm not sure what you mean here, could you try to explain this again, perhaps with an example? I have a feeling it's a good idea, so I want to comprehend it fully.

BTW, I noticed two issues:

1. If a symbol name is too long, it is truncated with ..., but the expand/collapse arrow is also removed.

Added a comment to an existing issue, thanks.


2. The index.html goes to links like std_base64.html, but the actual doc is at std.base64.html, so you get a 404.

The links on the index page are generated from hard-coded HTML in index.d. With the new fix for the noscript sidebar, file names must use a dot as a package separator, while the hard-coded paths use an underscore (the package separator in output files is configurable, by the way). Previously the links incidentally worked because the output was configured with underscores.

So the problem really lies with the Phobos documentation for using hard-coded links. I think the noscript sidebar is more important than the (terribly outdated) index page, which could be fixed by editing the source anyway (I suppose I could easily do this for the Phobos bootDoc demo).

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