On 2013-12-04 02:30, Andrew Edwards wrote:

Ok, got you. One question, does dinstaller.nsi work on linux/osx? If not
I will need your assistance to prepare the package until such time as I
can obtain an image for VirtualBox.

Everything should be built using the autotester.

Which is basically a staged zip file and the same problem as stated. If
the zip file doesn't exist locally or on the web site, then these tools
do not work.

Then the tools need to be changed to be workable from source.

Will try it but I thought it was platform specific. Meaning, I thought
it created a OSX specific archive if ran on OSX and so on.

It need to compile everything on each platform. We don't support true cross-platform builds yet.

Historically, Walter has created the release zips (just using the
makefile, I believe). As far as I know, work hasn't begun on getting the
autotester to roll releases.

That will be great when it's completed.

That should be our primary goal now.

/Jacob Carlborg

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