2013 was a very bizarre year for me; I ended up doing three things I never expected that I'd actually do: 1) got a dog, 2) joined a church, and 3) started writing a book (on D!)

My todo list for 2014, remember most of these probably won't actually get done:

* get my finances fixed up after a weak 2012 and downright awful 2013. I might have to get a new job but I really don't want to do that. I like writing D from home, just my D clients don't have the cashflow like they used to :(

* Finish my D book in time for dconf. This is well ahead of the publisher's schedule, but they said if I can write it that fast, they'll move things up. Right now though, I'm barely keeping up with their deadlines so idk if this is realistic.

* speaking of dconf, I *might* even go this year, and visit my parents while i'm on that side of the country. But I've never been on a real airplane before and I kinda like it that way so we'll see.

* I want to get back into blogging. Been saying this for years but I really should actually do it. Same with writing some games, I really really want do write the RPG that I learned how to program to write one of these days!

* My candidates for std.net.http and arsd.minigui should be finished at some point too.

lol it is like my whole life revolves around D. But the rest of it I'll just do as it comes.

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