If, when writting "mini and communication processing", you meant MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) instead of mini, you may be interesting by my bindings to the RtMidi library:
 - https://github.com/remy-j-a-moueza/drtmidi
 - RtMidi website: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gary/rtmidi/index.html

On 12/12/2013 11:43 AM, Manu wrote:
So, I'm a massive fan of music games. I'll shamefully admit that I was
tragically addicted to Dance Dance Revolution about 10 years ago.
Recently, it's Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

I quite like the band ensemble games, they're good party games, and
great rhythm practise that's actually applicable to real instrument
skills too.

The problem is though, that Neversoft and Harmonix completely fucked up
the GH and RB franchises. Licensing problems, fragmented tracklists.
It's annoying that all the songs you want to play are spread across
literally 10 or so different games, and you need to constantly change
disc's if you want to play the songs you like.

I've been meaning to kick off a guitar hero clone since GH2 came out. I
started one years ago as a fork of my Guitar Hero song editor for PS2,
and I added support for drums before GH4 or RB were conceived, but then
when they announced those games they stole my thunder and it went into

I'm very keen to resurrect the project (well, start a new one, with
clean code, in D).
Are there any music game nerds hanging around here who would be
interested in joining a side project like this? It's a lot more
motivating, and much more fun to work in a small team.

It's an interesting union of skills; rendering, audio processing,
super-low-latency synchronisation, mini and communications processing,
animation, UI and presentation.

I have done all this stuff commercially, so I can act as a sort of
project lead of people are interested, but haven't tried to write that
sort of software before.

It also seems like a good excuse to kick off a fairly large scale and
performance intensive D project, which I like to do from time to time.

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