On 13/06/2015 10:35 p.m., Tofu Ninja wrote:
On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 08:45:20 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
The tiny subset of numerical linear algebra that is relevant for
graphics (mostly very basic operations, 2,3 or 4 dimensions) is not at
all representative of the whole. The algorithms are different and the
APIs are often necessarily different.

Even just considering scale, no one sane calls in to BLAS to multiply
a 3*3 matrix by a 3 element vector, simultaneously no one sane
*doesn't* call in to BLAS or an equivalent to multiply two 500*500

I think there is a conflict of interest with what people want. There
seem to be people like me who only want or need simple matrices like glm
to do basic geometric/graphics related stuff. Then there is the group of
people who want large 500x500 matrices to do weird crazy maths stuff.
Maybe they should be kept separate? In which case then we are really
talking about adding two different things. Maybe have a std.math.matrix
and a std.blas?

IMO simple matrix is fine for a standard library. More complex highly specialized math library yeah no. Not enough gain for such a complex code.

Where as matrix/vector support for e.g. OpenGL now that will have a high visibility to game devs.

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