On Friday, 25 September 2015 at 05:55:08 UTC, jdeath wrote:

you guys are nuts.

Of course we are! Else we wouldn't embrace something that the mainstream shies away from and that doesn't make us rich. But can you rule it out that in 15 years the guys in your company will marvel at D saying "Fair f**ks to them guys, they kept on pushing it and now we have something really nice to work with"?

instead of thinking about this shit, you should think about how to make D usable for windows programmers.

You're welcome to write plugins for D. It's come up on this forum so many times that I don't care to remember, but the answer still is: You want it - do it yourself. D is not a restaurant like Java or C# where you have a set menu. D is the kitchen, if you want to eat, open the fridge, get the ingredients and cook something.

don't think about linux crutsches. in my company people are not even willing to think about D, since it has stone age tools, few usable libraries and is changing at a rate that is incredible.
now c# will be compiled to machine code - people you lost.

And would they really care, if D had all the nice tools? Or would they say that in VS there's a yellow button to compile and run C#, but for D the button is green - deal breaker.

As so often we're mixing the language with _tools_ for the language here.

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