>>>AA6YQ comments below

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "John Champa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Unless you have had the "opportunity" to lead such an effort, it
is you who should "knock it off".

>>>That's wrong, John. A leader must not only accept, but actively 
solicit critique from everywhere, not just from others who have taken 
leadership roles. And he or she must do so non-defensively.

Obviously you have never stepped into the heat.

>>>On what basis could you possibly reach this conclusion?

Lack the courage to lead, Rick?  

>>>Leadership involves a lot more than bravado and lame attempts at 
intimidation, John.

So you too are writing from a non-experienced position, non-
leadership situation, just like my old friend Bruce?

>>>Jumping to conclusions is a bad idea no matter what the 

Putting up with nit picking, barracks lawyers like Bruce and his ilk 
of ill-informed narrow-minded Hams for four years is what made me 
bitter about many Hams.

>>>Rather than blame the audience, you might instead consider how you 
might have been more effective in framing your position. Yes, there 
are some unreasonable, close-minded people in the world -- but they 
are a distinct minority. If you can't get the majority excited about 
your idea(s), the fault generally lies in your articulation. Yes, 
there are well-known exceptions, but your contributions to this 
thread makes clear that this isn't one of them.

I used to be a nice guy too! But I love this avocation.  It's  our 
frequent refusal as a group to adapt and  our anti-progressive head 
in the sand approach, almost (almost! HI) makes our dinosaurs' fate 

>>>More blaming the audience. So easy, but so wrong...

See how quickly Bruce labels those who are trying to look ahead as 
"elitists"! He's afraid of change. And, I can't take his fear away.  
And, if he won't read and try to comprehend, well, I have only so 
much time to try to help him  catch up.  I have my own keeping up ti 
take care of, ya know (HI) ?

>>>If you are unable to overcome this trivial little misunderstanding 
over band utilization without resorting to elementary school tactics, 
then I'd suggest you do some "keeping up" in the areas of leadership, 
influence, and persuasion.

Like they say down here in  TX, you can lead a horse to water, but...

>>>While appropriate for horses, its a big cop-out when it comes to 
people. If you can't persuade a thirsty man to drink, its time for 
some serious retooling...

         Dave, AA6YQ

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