Jim you really can't go by that.
I had 4 KB2KB QSO's last evening right on 7077.4
as you put it a "published winlink channels".
One of the QSO's was with a member of this list K2MO.
In fact it's been weeks since my WinLink system has
been used. Everything has been KB2KB.

Pactor KB2KB is far from dead. 

John, W0JAB

At 07:14 AM 10/15/2007, you wrote:
>Because it was occurring right on published winlink channels.  Could
>some of them been kb2kb, sure, some of them could have been.  However,
>even then, there weren't that many kb2kb qso's on pactor taking place
>in the auto sub-bands.
>Why do you think winlink has spread their stations out?  Without busy
>detection do you think this wouldn't occur?  

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