Rick wrote:
>  It is important to make two things clear on the busy frequency
>  detection vis a vis, Winlink 2000:
>  1) The current main Winlink 2000 developer successfully wrote the
>  busy dectection program several years ago. I seriously doubt if any
>  reasonable ham would have found it to be inadequate in preventing
>  unintentional transmission by an station operating automatically.
>  2) Long after it was tested, the Winlink 2000 administrator openly
>  announced that they would not be willing to use such detection
>  because the frequencies were so busy that the automatic station would
>  often not be able to have a clear frequency in which to transmit and
>  would be standing by for long periods of time.

In other words, they won't exercise the courtesy that everyone else is 
supposed to and does exercise by listening first.  They just want to 
knock other users off of a frequency when they want to use it.

de Roger W6VZV

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