Sorry Jim but you did not say in your post
how you knew it was WinLink stations?
And not some KB2KB QSO..

At 08:43 PM 10/14/2007, you wrote:
>Don't believe everything you hear.  A couple of years ago when I was
>doing packet work, I listened to winlink a lot.  What I heard
>convinced me that clients did not listen and that the hidden
>transmitter was not only a problem with other stations, but winlink
>stations too.  You can't believe how many times I heard a winlink
>session be interfered with by another winlink session starting up!  
>Do you really think they would consolidate their pmbos to just a few
>frequencies with busy detection even if no one interfered with them? 
>I don't believe so.  Their users expect "instant" access and would not
>be willing to come back periodically to try and initiate a session
>should a "busy detector" not allow a session.  As a result, they will
>continue to try and gain access to sufficient frequencies to allow one
>freq, one pmbo.
>Pactor 3's proclivity to increasing its bandwidth anytime during a
>session is one of the biggest problems, and will continue to be so
>regardless of busy detection or not.  I don't understand how anyone
>can expect hams not to initiate sessions within a 3 kHz channel around
>ANY pactor signal. Heck, entire sessions may take place in pactor 2
>and last for the duration of a band opening.  It seems unreasonable to
>claim all that space when it may not even be used.  It's like saying
>my use is more important than anybody else's.  

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