I am also concerned with the expensive proprietary
nature of the Pactor modes and the standardization on
it by the WL2K proponents.

Many ham PMBOs don't accept stations using Pactor 1.

Now, MARS is becoming less friendly to Pactor 1 users
as well.

Hams need to develop a BETTER replacement for Pactor
that is based on open standards. It would be fair to
charge for it as long as the standard(s) were open.
MARS would accept a replacement for Winlink 2000 if it
were a better package.

The new package would need to be friendly to keyboard
users and still be able adapt to transmit messages at
high speeds OR lower speeds under poor conditions. 
This would be sort of a cross between the current
NBEMS, ALE400 and RFSM2400. Perhaps the Outpost
software could be adapted to work with this too. 

Could this group provide the organization to support
such an effort?  Whatever happened to the ARRL attempt
to define requirements for a new package?

Howard K5HB

--- Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I found even more interesting than the article
> on QRZ was the comments on it.  To a "T" everyone
> commented that it was good that WINLINK2000 was now
> being used on MARS freqs instead of the amateur
> bands.
> Not having much experience with Pactor and WL2K, I
> wasn't aware that there were bandwidth issues
> associated with the WL2K system.
> Is this as big an issue as it appears to be?
> I'm personally more concerned with the expensive
> proprietary nature of the Pactor modes and the
> standardization on it by the WL2K proponents.
> Any comments??
> Jeff Moore
> Deschutes County ARES
> Bend, Oregon

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