Is it just possible that there is not that much interest in the mode? I 
did download the software yesterday and tried setting it up but I was 
not able to get the RTS line keying the rig. I was able to listen to the 
tones and it does appear to be DTMF tones.

The question is ... why have yet another mode, unless it has some new 
capabilities over what we already have? I think that some of us are 
getting a bit concerned that the Tower of Babel is getting larger and 
larger, and the result is not necessarily better digital communications, 
but just more separate communications which reduces our interoperability.

Would it not be better to use this tremendous energy and knowledge to 
further the radio art and develop low cost technologies that work better 
and faster and most importantly, adaptable to conditions?

If some feel that I am being unfair, then could you please explain what 
the advantages are of this mode over previous modes?


Rick, KV9U

F.R. Ashley wrote:
> *I've tried calling CQ endlessly on 20 and 80 meters but never once 
> gotten a response or even heard an MFTTY station.  Where is everyone 
> hiding?*
> *I've read where some use 14.068 on 20 meters but it is so crowded 
> there with PSK and all.  I've also tried 3.591 on 80 meters but no 
> luck there either.*
> ** 
> *Can we all try to establish a meeting frequency for using this mode?*
> ** 
> *73 Buddy WB4M*

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