On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 11:34 -0500, T. J. Brumfield wrote:

> The cheapest iPad is $500, and comparable tablets are priced along the same
> lines. There are "cheap" tablets more in the $99-$150 range, but they are
> underpowered compared to the iPad and Galaxy Tab.
> The iPad only has 512 MB of RAM, and we're talking about lesser hardware
> than that. Hardware gets better and prices drop as we move forward into the
> future, but if you want to be able to reach developing countries with a
> tablet version within the next year, then you need a slim build.

I was looking more 3-5 years on. Android tablets will stimulate fierce
competition including "phone" tablets free on contracts - that is how I
have my Galaxy S and G1 before it. Its just free with my contract. Apple
is making 50% margins on i-phones and probably at least that on i-pads.
Ok while Apple enthusiasts pay premiums for new gadgets but that will
wear off. I would be surprised if in 5 years, $99 tablets, netbooks and
similar devices based on Android and possibly a Nokia free software
based platform are not common place. Say 4 gig of RAM and quad core ARM
2 GHZ processors. OOo could easily run in that now and as new devices
come on line the older ones get resold into Africa. I have a G1 here
that is virtually worthless but was state of the art less than 2 years
ago. So reduce LO to something that will run in close to to-days state
of the art phone technologies and the developing world will have devices
next to free that will run it in 3-5 years.

> > >From a broad view of future success, tablets merit a great deal of
> > attention on our part. As I mentioned elsewhere, a "LibreOffice Touch" for
> > tablets would be huge. We'd "outflank" our main opponent, capture vast new
> > markets and develop great momentum, and then with that increased strength,
> > address the initial marketplace (of PC desktops and laptops) with a much
> > larger arsenal at our disposal.
> >
> That sounds great. I think it could be a strong growth market, and help push
> not only OSS, LibreOffice, etc. but also the ODF format. However I think the
> key to that strategy is jumping out in front quickly. GoogleDocs can already
> by accessed via the web on tablets, and Microsoft has their online office
> offerings.

Quite so and K-office is being adopted by Nokia. If LO was the choice
for Android, odf becomes the de facto standard on mobile devices. Google
would then almost certainly beef up the odf fidelity of Docs.

> LibreOffice would need a slim build with a tablet UI, and it would need one
> quickly. Is there developer bandwidth for such a project? I think this would
> be a good Google Summer of Code project that could get some funding and a
> new developer that way, but I'm not sure the work could be handled by a
> single developer over a summer.

It's why we desperately need an alternative source of income to fund
these type of developments.

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