On Nov 3, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Ian wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 11:34 -0500, T. J. Brumfield wrote:
>> The cheapest iPad is $500, and comparable tablets are priced along the same
>> lines. There are "cheap" tablets more in the $99-$150 range, but they are
>> underpowered compared to the iPad and Galaxy Tab.
>> The iPad only has 512 MB of RAM, and we're talking about lesser hardware
>> than that. Hardware gets better and prices drop as we move forward into the
>> future, but if you want to be able to reach developing countries with a
>> tablet version within the next year, then you need a slim build.
> I was looking more 3-5 years on. Android tablets will stimulate fierce
> competition including "phone" tablets free on contracts - that is how I
> have my Galaxy S and G1 before it. Its just free with my contract. Apple
> is making 50% margins on i-phones and probably at least that on i-pads.
> Ok while Apple enthusiasts pay premiums for new gadgets but that will
> wear off. I would be surprised if in 5 years, $99 tablets, netbooks and
> similar devices based on Android and possibly a Nokia free software
> based platform are not common place. Say 4 gig of RAM and quad core ARM
> 2 GHZ processors. OOo could easily run in that now and as new devices
> come on line the older ones get resold into Africa. I have a G1 here
> that is virtually worthless but was state of the art less than 2 years
> ago. So reduce LO to something that will run in close to to-days state
> of the art phone technologies and the developing world will have devices
> next to free that will run it in 3-5 years.

Yes, agreed. As tablets become standardized, more of their components will be 
produced in system-on-a-chip configurations. Prices will drop steeply and 
access will explode. 

OLPC is planning on a tablet for its next major system, and India's government 
has been talking about building a $35 tablet.

>>>> From a broad view of future success, tablets merit a great deal of
>>> attention on our part. As I mentioned elsewhere, a "LibreOffice Touch" for
>>> tablets would be huge. We'd "outflank" our main opponent, capture vast new
>>> markets and develop great momentum, and then with that increased strength,
>>> address the initial marketplace (of PC desktops and laptops) with a much
>>> larger arsenal at our disposal.
>> That sounds great. I think it could be a strong growth market, and help push
>> not only OSS, LibreOffice, etc. but also the ODF format. However I think the
>> key to that strategy is jumping out in front quickly. GoogleDocs can already
>> by accessed via the web on tablets, and Microsoft has their online office
>> offerings.
> Quite so and K-office is being adopted by Nokia. If LO was the choice
> for Android, odf becomes the de facto standard on mobile devices. Google
> would then almost certainly beef up the odf fidelity of Docs.
>> LibreOffice would need a slim build with a tablet UI, and it would need one
>> quickly. Is there developer bandwidth for such a project? I think this would
>> be a good Google Summer of Code project that could get some funding and a
>> new developer that way, but I'm not sure the work could be handled by a
>> single developer over a summer.
> It's why we desperately need an alternative source of income to fund
> these type of developments.

It doesn't even need to be built on the existing LibO code--it could be built 
using LibO's ODF libraries, though, for perfect file compatibility. Users won't 
care what the underlying code is; as long as the interface and branding match 
LibO, and documents can be seamlessly shared, then "LibreOffice Touch" will be 
the younger sibling of LibreOffice in their eyes.

It feels like a plan for a smart new startup, perhaps even backed with VC money 
from Apple or Android's development funds for their platforms.


Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)

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