On Saturday 02 April 2005 11:31 pm, Yutaka Kachi wrote:
(B> --- Please transrate to English ---
(B> $BCfK\$5$s!"EOJU$5$s!"$"$j$,$H$&!#(B
(B> $BCfK\$5$s$bEOJU$5$s$b!"%+%s%U%!%l%s%9$K$H$F$b9W8%$7$F$/$l$^$7$?!#(B
(B> $BCfK\$5$s$O!"(BOOo$B$N%=!<%9%3!<[EMAIL PROTECTED]@$7$^$7$?!#(B
(B> $BEOJU$5$s$O!"(BOOo$B$r(BDB$B$N(BReporting Tool$B$H$7$F;H$&[EMAIL 
(B> PROTECTED]@$7$F$/$l$^$7$?!#(B
(B> $B$3$NEOJU$5$s$N%;%_%J!<$O!"0lHV?M5$$N9b$$$b$N$G$7$?!#(B
(B> $B$3$N%+%s%U%!%l%s%9$O!"(BOpenSoucre Conference 2005/Tokyo$B$N0lIt$H$7$F(B
(B> $B9T$o$l$^$7$?!#$3$l$K$O!"(B30$B$r1[$($k$N(BOpenSource 
(B> community$B$,;22C$7$F$/$l$^(B
(B> $B$7$?!#:G=i$N9V1i$O!"(B**$B$J$s$H(B** 
(B> $B%^%$%/%m%=%U%H$N(BKusunoki-san$B$,!"(BUNIX$B%f!<(B
(B> $B%6!<$N$?$a$K(BWindows$B$N8=>u$rOC$7$F$/$l$^$7$?(B($BH`<+?H$,!"(BUNIX$B$N%X%S!<%f!<(B
(B> $B;22CJ,!"(BWindows$B%f!<%6!<$,H>J,$/[EMAIL 
(B> 2$BF|4V$G!"(B1000$BL>0J>e$N?M$,=8$^$j$^$7$?!#(B
(B> http://www.ospn.jp/osc2005/
(B> ------
(BTranslation begins ---------------
(BThank you Nakamoto-san and Watanabe-san.
(BBoth Nakamoto-san and Watanabe-san contributed to this conference to a great 
(Bdegree.  Nakamoto-san explained, in his seminar, the details of the OO.o 
(Bsource code.  Watanabe-san demonstrated in his seminar how to use OO.o as a 
(Bdatabase report creation tool.  Watanabe-san's seminar was, in fact, the 
(Bmonst popular seminar in the conference.
(BThis conference was held as part of the OpenSource Conference 2005/Tokyo.  
(BOver 30 open-source communities participated in this event.  The opening 
(Bspeech was given by, guest what!, Kusunoki-san of Microsoft!  The speech was 
(Babout the current situation surrounding Windows from Unix user's perspective 
(B(as a matter of fact, Kusunoki-san himself is a heavy Unix user).
(BThe conference participants consisted of roughly 50% Linux users and 50% 
(BWindows users.  Approximately 1000 people gathered in this 2-day event.
(BTranslation ends ---------------
(B(translation by Kohei)
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