> One more thing - gmail has no folders - just that labeling thing ,which
> means all 2000 of your email are always in your inbox.

Set up some filters. I tell everything from this and other discussion
lists, for example, to "Skip the inbox" and apply the label
"Discussions". Works like a charm.

To clarify my earlier answer about Gmail:

I love Gmail because it's the first webmail client I've seen and used
heavily that didn't try to simply move a desktop paradigm to the web
(like Yahoo! does). I'm so tired of webmail apps that are exact (or at
least close) replicas of desktop equivalents. The web is a different
animal, and it should be treated as such.

Also, I love the idea of labeling email instead of sticking it into
folders. The folder model is severely broken. It's an implementation
model - it just reflects the design of the underlying system. But I'm
don't think like a computer - I think like me. I want to categorize
things in a variety of ways, not just into singular folders. Foldering
is an old metaphor that has lived on way too long.

And I love that conversations are put together into a single thread on
a single page. This is how real conversations happen, and it makes
sense, and it means I don't have to remember the context for every

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