> In Gmail I label every incoming email and then I hit the archive
> button to make it disappear out of my inbox. This seems more
> cumbersome than having folders or folder-like containers.

How exactly do messages get into folders in your other email client?
Magic? ;) You have to do something to make that happen. The same is
true in Gmail. I'll say it again:

Use filters.

> An option to
> change the inbox view to one with all labeled emails hidden could be a
> solution.

If messages were labeled and archived as they came in (as they very
easily can be), you don't need this option. You're suggesting a
feature that creates a band-aid to a problem that has already been

1. Click "Create a filter"
2. Enter your criteria (e.g. "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]") and click Next
3. Choose "Skip the Inbox" and "Label as: <yourLabel>"
4. Click "Create filter" (or "OK" or whatever it says)

Now, whenever a mesage comes in that meets the criteria, it skips the
inbox and appears as unread under the label you specified. It's
*exactly* like filtering incoming email into folders. There's
absolutely no difference.

I can't help you with the hierarchy issue (and I disagree that
hierarchies are a better way to organize things), but this should help
you with filtering.

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