Hi - I've been lurking here, but this is too good a discussion to pass up.
One audience for documentation that hasn't been mentioned is the QA group.
As much as the developers, they need enough detail to develop test plans and
make sure the app works as designed.

I agree with the comments that mostly developers focus on the pictures, so
if there's a tricky bit I'll usually highlight it with some close-ups of
that portion of the screen. Usually the developers are on a tight deadline,
so an overly long document just isn't going to be read.

For one of my longer term clients, I've taken to providing static HTML pages
and accompanying CSS, with some JS libraries plugged in to show parts that
animate. The skill level among the developers when it comes to CSS is pretty
variable, so many of them appreciate not having to tackle the layout and
styling issues. It also means that the colors and fonts don't need to be in
the spec - they are available in the prototype. Obviously, the developers
don't use my JS code, and they replace the static items with Java calls, but
the process has been working well for everybody.

I'm curious though - for things that animate, appear and disappear, are
people detailing these behaviors in a document, and if so, how?
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