Hi Dave,

Martin, are you "self taught" and want to catch up?

I'm just starting out, transitioning from technical writing to IxD. (And
what I'm learning about interaction design and design in general is
self-taught thus far.) I just want to make sure that I'm not missing
anything important :)

I think one of the main principles I see in this thread is that you can't
> Self Teach design.

I get what you're saying there. But I don't see too many places local to me
where I could do this (at least, not in an educational setting). Certainly
not in the (big) company that I currently work for. I'm not aware of any
(interaction) design firms (in the vein of Adaptive Path, IDEO, etc.) here
in Israel. I'd be happy to be corrected about that :)  And also not much on
the education side (except for the odd course for ID students, etc.).

Long-term, I hope to be able to go study at one of the European design
schools. But for now, I guess I must do the best I can with what I have.
Which means reading and learning by doing.

Without critique (which from what I can tell requires at least ONE other
> human being) you truly can't learn the most core fundamentals of design.

And probably that other human being should know what they're talking about
when it comes to design :)


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