So, is persuasion a part of what we do as IxD, and if it is should we seek
expert opinion from those who are experts at persuasion?

I think that a large part of what we do is persuasion, but in a different
way then a lot of marketing seems to do it.  A lot of marketing is just
getting in people's face to build brand awareness.  Marketing is responsible
for pop up ads, a terribly unpersuasive and unproductive user experience.
Marketing is responsible for sticking advertisements on the top or left side
of pages that nobody clicks on.  Marketing is responsible for those horrible
ads that when you roll over them expand to cover most of the page.
Marketing is often responsible for wanting splash pages in front of the

Marketing does not yet understand interactivity.  They persuade through
projection.. TV, magazine ads, radio, billboards, the thing they all have in
common is that they are passive experiences.  If you want to build a passive
persuasive experience, seek out marketing.  If you want to build a
persuasive interactive experience, and everything on the web is an
interactive experience, I think that most marketing departments and people
are not up to the task.  There are exceptions, of course, but for the most
part not.  Even these company sponsored Alternate Reality Games that attract
a ton of hard core users because of their interactivity, imo, fail at their
marketing message.  No one buys McDonalds because they hired a company that
created a fun ARG.

Josh Powell

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Robert Hoekman Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > I hope I am not skewing or shifting the point of this argument. But I
> > think the question I am hearing Robert ask is. "who does the designer
> > work for?"
> That's not at all what I'm asking. We work for both the user and the
> business.
> I'm concerned with the details—those tiny, subtle details that influence
> people (ethically, of course). The words you use in your value proposition
> statement and/or tagline. The numbers you choose to show on the homepage.
> Which bullet points you use to entice the most people. And so on.
> A good marketer should know how to craft these elements really well. Should
> an IxD know, too?
> -r-
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