But Jared, those are businesses that have ADDED social networking
(especially the Amazon case) as a means of adding value to their core
commerce business.

Social Networks like FB and Twitter need something different.
1) add services that take advantage of the SN ala LinkedIn (BTW, that
might be the real answer to the question of a monetized social
network, no?) that people are willing or needing to take advantage

2) Make the service part of a greater service offering where the
clout of the SN that you've already built bring in people to another
service that can thrive off of a social network model.

3) This will only work for Twitter, but make the service a
cost-center that leads to other revenue streams. (ala add in
"openID" for a cost, or become a social network consultancy, or
turn your service into OSS and consult on private installations for
the enterprise or Gov't.

But to be honest, as an end user, if FB can last 10 years w/o a
viable business model. I could care less. In 10 years something else
will get my attention and so long as I can keep using FB the way I
have for free, it serves my needs quite well. But I live in the US
and we love just thinking about "now" and "me" until it is too
late. ;-)

-- dave

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