Scott, in response to your question as to the path I've been on in my
career, I've documented a simplified version of it in the
presentation I gave in early 2005 at the IA Summit in Montreal.

Twenty Years Of Lessons Learned

Companion Slides:

I've also presented a number of my views on the role of design in
the discussion I had with Luke Wroblewski, Bob Baxley, and Dirk
Knemeyer in 2006:

At some point I'll want to update my presentation to include a
description of the strategies I've used since 2006, however it's
possible to see it as an extension of the many strategies and skills
learned and employed over my entire career.

In a new thread I see that you're posing a question as to the
reasons designs/designers fail.  I think you'll see a number of
examples in my piece linked above, that doomed projects even when
many of the design variables were covered successfully.

I'd be happy to have a conversation with you at some point as well.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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