Hi Scott,

I think I'm well known here to go half-cocked every so often. It
might be my rep from time to time. Heck I was called the "gadfly"
of the IAI list recently. I just am who I am without a lot of attempt
at pretense. I think being real helps the list and there are other
calmer voices that come and go to balance things out.

As for your response I think I did indeed take your message in the
context of the total message and didn't see your information about
education as separate from the rest. It is definitely great to know
that people are interested in this stuff and doing interesting

I still believe in the reclamation of the term "design" and the
arrogance, as you suggest, is not arrogance, but deep belief. Of
course, I own the term. So do you. So does anyone who feels
identified with it. The people whom you reference who attribute more
to design than I do are people who have already accepted the
definition  state and are adding to it, or more appropriately adding
to its sphere. They are not substituting it and saying that design
has no room for aesthetics or beauty or art.

Here is my main point: Design is both utilitarian and artistic. If
you remove either one of those elements you are leaving the world of
design behind and doing something else (business or art). Design is
also political and cultural. It is political in that it is
humanistic. It is cultural in that each creation is a point of change
to that culture. In so far as it is always something that the culture
has to react to.

So back to the "big problem" ... I still believe that "design" as
a word, as a discipline, as a title is not something so cavalierly
thrown away as Christina was suggesting it should be done. I don't
see it as a ball & chain keeping us from moments of success and

There are always going to be backlashes against "pretty", and there
will always be designers deserving of that backlash, but conversely
there will always be designers who are above it, doing great things
with design squarely in hand.

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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