Jeff, I think my gut feel was really similar to yours. 
I do have to say though that about 4 years ago when I was considering
going to Pratt for my masters in ID, I took some time out to do an
information interview with a local ID now interactive design agency
principal, John Payne (you listening?), and I remember something
striking about the conversation.

He said that most of the work he was doing was less about designing
interactive systems (at their core, though at their skin they look
that way) but were more about organizational change.

I took that conversation and especially that piece to heart and have
seen that most of the product design I have done since then has
definitely had a behavioral change component to it.

When Robert pointed out the article to me, I read it right away and
my reply to him was that his definition of behavior economics really
resonated with me in terms of Captology and Persuasion Technology as
talked about by BJ Fogg. I think it is different in that Robert is
talking about group change at a macro level and BJ seems to be
concentrating more at the micro interactions we make and affecting
change there. The principles though seem to resonate.

Jeff, I know you do a lot of thinking about Service Design. One of
the things I hear from the cloud surounding service design is that it
is heavily informed from interaction design and many want to place it
under the same banner if we make interaction design fully
technologically agnostic (despite what you accurately describe about
our core practice). Would Transformational Design then also fall
under this larger banner of IxD? Is it even worth having a large
banner at all? 

I'm very much in favor of narrow IxD for the same reasons I have
spouted on the IAI list that I"m for narrow IA. The one thing that
helps me keep IxD narrowly defined for myself is that I'm always
looking at it as a cog that gets integrated into part of a whole when
needed to fit the right contexts of design problems. So I can see how
the medium of service can use IxD, and Visual Design, and Wayfinding
and IA (and others) towards achieving a result the same way that
Product Design takes IxD, Visual Design and Industrial Design towards
creating a 3D manufactured product.

Basically, I see IxD as a element that works across many different
mediums. Some design topics speak of the medium of the result and
others speak of the elements that can be used across mediums

Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts around IxD and Service Design and
thank you for introducing the topic of Transformation Design. On the
latter topic, do you have a case study by Hilary or IDEO that was
really about a transformation? Is the frog design HIV testing project
a sample of that?

-- dave

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