On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:50 PM, mark schraad <mschr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Really, I think of design as tactics employed in product strategy. It
>> seems like execution to me, though that's certainly arguable.
> This is exactly the mind set that I have spent the last 10 - 15 years trying
> to correct, or at least mitigate. In the nineties, running my design firm, I
> saw project after project that were doomed before we even got a hold of
> them. When you're working as a consultant and a 'go to' design firm, one of
> the fastest way to reduce your livelihood is to call this out in initial
> client meetings.  And, as Barbara states, it is the rare designer that has a
> hand or say in strategy.

I totally understand, and even agree with, where you are coming from.
It's just that I worship at the altar of execution. Without execution,
strategy is nothing more than a bunch of hot air. Useful hot air, but
hot air. And product strategy shaped without design thinking can doom
projects before they start.

Barbara Ballard
barb...@littlespringsdesign.com 1-785-838-3003
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