
Thanks a lot for your comprehensive and clear answers. I believe they may add a lot more flesh on the RED bones also for other list members.

Personally, I simply support more or less everything you do. Seems to me like your shop is pretty much an example of interaction design best-practice in terms of practicum learning.

Your practices also agree to a great extent with my experiences from teaching interaction design in a studio setting.

Just a couple of suggestions -- points where I feel you could perhaps benefit from taking the scaffolding a little further.


When you talk about debriefing and knowledge sharing after projects, you largely refer to documentation and substantial discussion of design artifacts.

I would imagine that there is learning leverage to be gained from a meta-level debriefing session where the design process as such is replayed, analyzed, hypothetically improved upon. All this also done in a master/apprentice model, of course, where seniors would do most of the analysis and tutor the juniors into gradually doing it themselves.


My last question was about conceptual tools for articulation. Your reply referred mainly to tools/techniques for articulating design ideas.

However, I was thinking also of language constructs for talking about what constitutes good interaction. The way I see it, this is one of the main elements of interaction design expertise (the "experience" we talked about earlier in this thread) and my personal approach is to try and articulate so-called experiential qualities to try and create a language in which experienced designers can express and communicate parts of their judgment skills.

(I have a few examples in case you are interested.)


Again, thanks for a very interesting account of your practice! (Could I come and work for you in case I get tired of academia? ;-)

Jonas Löwgren

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