
I'm currently studying on the OU course M873, User Interface Design
and Evaluation so just thought I'd add a couple of thoughts in case
it's of interest to this discussion.

I think the course content is good -- it covers the principles of HCI
and usability etc. It's supported with some multimedia elements such
as DVDs and PC (not Mac) applications.

One of the complaints I'd have about it is that the examples are
quite old as the course last seems to have been revised around 2000.
This means screenshots of websites taken from Netscape 4.7 etc., no
mention of areas such as ethnography which I've come across by
reading other usability websites etc.

I guess that's the danger of any course in this area, although at
least with HCI the principles will remain more constant than with
things like web design, programming etc.

I'm taking this as a standalone course and I'm hoping it will make
it easier to move into a usability / UI / IX etc. role (I'm
currently a web developer). I'm not sure how useful the course will
be in supporting this -- how much do employers value these
qualifications and is a course such as this sufficient on its own? 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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