
Thanks for this advice -- very interesting.

I keep meaning to start a thread up about how easy it is to move into
UI design / UX from a another (web) job and you've given me some
insight into this from your post.

For financial and other reasons I'm not that keen on stuyding for a
Master's course (having done two unrelated ones already!) but it's
interesting that this was seen by employers as useful. In other areas
of the Web world there is less emphasis on qualifications as the
technology moves too fast. But, HCI has more of an academic pedigree
and concepts tend to remain constant so I can understand why it would
be seen as important and relevant.

Lots to think about -- an interesting thread.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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