On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Todd Zaki Warfel <li...@toddwarfel.com>wrote:

> On Mar 10, 2009, at 10:40 PM, J. Ambrose Little wrote:
> What I'd really like to see is with every discounting of software that
> other people have built (which happens a lot here, it seems), an offering of
> an example in the same space (e.g., in this case, bug
> tracking software) that exemplifies what you think is great (or at
> least better)
> I don't see it being that much better, visually, than Bugzilla, Mantis, or
> Trac.
> Better:
> Axosoft http://www.axosoft.com/
> Trac http://trac.edgewall.org/
> TrackIt http://www.numarasoftware.com/ctash.asp?src=google&trm=trackit
Thanks, Todd.  So you're judging on visual design style, correct?  (I guess
I didn't mention it but it begs the question that if you think something's
better, to point out what. :) )

Anyways, Fogbugz has been around for a long time.  It had some innovations
that were, at least back then, pretty spot on in terms of better usability
(e.g., simplifying/minimizing # of fields in general and that are required,
one-owner workflow, which was controversial but really good, IMO, and being
able to just email to log a bug, to name a few).  Most software in this
space was (is?) so bloated and tentacular that it becomes impossible for a
mere mortal to use without training and regular head-bludgeoning.

But I suppose this is a bit of a digression.  My particular point here is
maybe to get us to be more constructive in criticism and help each other
learn from what we and others have *done*.  Let's put some meat on the bones
and maybe even some skin in the game.

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