I've had the opportunity to talk to a lot of new designers lately and have to 
echo strongly what Dave is saying. Design education is, for the first time in 
awhile, finally moving back to its roots a bit in making folks multifaceted and 
companies, for the first time in awhile, are starting to realize that hiring 
multifaceted folks makes a lot of sense. Apologies to all the early movers on 
this list that have been operating like this for awhile.

Chris Bernard
User Experience Evangelist
630.530.4208 Office
312.925.4095 Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-boun...@lists.interactiondesigners.com 
[mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.interactiondesigners.com] On Behalf Of dave malouf
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:49 AM
To: disc...@ixda.org
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the "Program Manager" role does 
UI design... ????

I want to jump in here again and support Andrei.

I have not even graduated from college peeps who can do most if not
everything that Andrei suggests and IxD should be able to do AND!!!
they can do a lot that Andrei doesn't suggest:
* Fabricate appearance models
* Do sketch models: 3D foam models
* Conduct Research: generative & evaluative
(i.e. be industrial designers as well)

Across the street from me is the Interactive & Game Design department
here. One of the top 5 in the country by some accounts and well, I
would say that they too can DO everything Andrei listed AND they have
the breadth of HCI/Usability/IA that is implicit in our requirements
as practitioners as well.

So I think an implicit part of Andrei's point is "watch your back"
b/c the people who are coming up the hill behind you, ARE going to be
able to do the multi-facetted work that some of you are claiming
isn't possible.

This is that point in our career building where we might be feeling
"age" trickle in on us. Some get around it by moving up the food
chain away from production into management or strategic value, but I
worry about the bulk of us who aren't taking Andrei seriously.

As for the people who can't find the employees. Please email me
offline and I'll send some 10 graduating seniors your way who all
can kick my ass as a production interaction designer and even teach
me a few things about design theory and research methods as well. 

There is nothing as exciting as a motivated and passionate youthful
energized designer to knock your socks off. I've been humbled by my
students in so many ways.

Yes, they have a lot of to learn, but they know enough to know what
it is it means to go out and teach themselves.

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posted from the new ixda.org

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