Andrei's requirements:

I can perform most of those tasks to about a 90 percent level (don't
even ask me to do high level actionscript though). But, as a person
who has hired for UX positions, the requirements described there are
impossible to hit in any one person, except for the lucky few (a few
on this list). 

In fact, in my time of building a team of 25, I would have found
exactly one person that could have fulfilled those requirements, and
that would have been me.

We need to have realistic expectations for who fills the roles and
what they can do, otherwise we fail in front of our software
development peers. For example, we wouldn't expect a software
developer to be an expert DBA and an expert in system administration
while being a rockstar coder. They exist, but not in the levels
needed to support what was just mentioned. And, to the benefit of
software developers everywhere, team managers divide up the roles
logically because they have figured out how to make the divisions.

And that's the crux of this argument and probably why we struggle
with the role. While some of us can do many of the different tasks
and roles, expecting the whole IX/UX community to be able is not
achievable. We don't like to be put into a box, but we have to so we
fit within team structures.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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