Patrick: "For most of us, we build things that have an impact on the
bottom line of a company, and that's all (or since when did a web
widget save someone's life?)."

At least I have that boast ;-) (helping towards the design of safer
commercial aircraft cockpits and enabling doctors to learn about skin
cancers, etc) Right now, I am bottom line only and that's all, but
it's still a great job to have, a wonderful career to be building,
and the work is still fascinating.

I guess a lot of the 'other' stuff we work on will depend upon our
background. As I said earlier, I'm a psychologist with training in
human factors and HCI so I got to work on some large juicy projects
with a demonstrable impact on people's lives (perhaps I should say a
'lack of impact' given the subject matter of aircraft cockpits?). 

However when all's said and done, I think most companies would
rather hire someone with a creative background as that is closer to
IxDs perceived nature. Even things like usability testing seem a
million miles away from being a trained researcher when they are just
the same things. I cannot say for certain, but I get the impression
that some companies/recruiters are quite confused when a psychologist
applies for any kind of UX job, especially when they advertise for
candidates with computer science degrees...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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