At our design program we are exploring non-software based interactions with service design, interior design, social -and offline- networking (see Prototyping Social Interaction. Esko Kurvinen, Ilpo Koskinen, Katja Battarbee, Design Issues Summer 2008, Vol. 24, No. 3: 46–57 for reference), non-software based game design and others. We're also studying performative communication issues, think of an airline counter, how does the person providing the service should interact with customers? How does the flight crew provides brand-exclusive services, and interact with people? We think all those little interactions are designable, and measurable (we are having a bit of trouble trying to find ways to measure this, but working on it though) I also remember this one project, thought to make people interact with Bogotá (Colombia's capital), remotely through taste. Students mapped Bogota's downtown through taste, developed a food-based experience, and remapped it to NYC, so you could actually feel how our city is like, when you go out and eat Colombian things in NYC. This might be a little bit far fetched when you think of it as an /interactive /project, but it's certainly pushing the boundaries of it, since it's not just people with/or machines interacting, but actual cities, through human senses.

: )


In the area of service design in healthcare, quite a bit is being done by
interaction designers including:
- creation of new spaces in which to physically interact e.g. pediatric
suite of the future

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