I keep seeing a control surface when I look at the iPad. The whole
tablet computer idea is meh for me, but I'm imagining it as a "soft
console" audio mixing board for a musician, or displaying a couple of
virtual turntables for a DJ. Or, more in my line of work, a
touchscreen console for radio operators. Any sort of professional
application that would benefit from faders, knobs, zoom, multitouch
physics and so on could use a control surface like this. And in a
dedicated control-surface application, the lack of multitasking
capability is no problem.

This first release doesn't look optimal for these purposes. Almost
any application like this would need external hardware for
processing, and this thing doesn't have enough horsepower or ports.
But I expect to see these in artists' hands on stage sometime later
this year. 

And Apple's much vaunted Top-Secret design silo failed them this
time: one normal everyday focus group session would have brought out
the sniggers when they said the name the first time.

Michael Micheletti

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