It is still a problem child. I think that Slim Devices may be too
hardware oriented and too techy. I work for a company that makes test
and measurement equipment for use by professionals. I recently spent a
year as a volunteer working with customers to solve problems that they
were facing that our usual channels did not resolve I also am on
multiple teams dealing with field failures. 

Outside of batteries (sigh) absolutely, without question, the biggest
cause of problems is firmware. In a field that used to be all hardware
we now have more firmware developers than hardware folks and we still
constantly fall short on our products. And then there is the problem of
engineers not understanding consumers, and really not caring. Lastly the
pressure to get a product out really causes designers, especially
firmware designers, to not address problems they are not forced to. 

I suspect that Slim Devices suffers from these problems.

Any product that is defined by engineers and whose final form and
function is controlled by engineers will fail to be acceptable to
consumers. That is a bit of an absolute on my part, but I truly believe
it. By the way, I am an engineer.

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