froth;451940 Wrote: 
> But in reality, if one wanted to really get the mass numbers of people
> using this system some packaging needs to be done.  Here are my
> thoughts.
> - SqueezeCenter Server (HW with SW preloaded and configured)
> - Easy to use Ripping and Tagging pre installed
> - Packaged Wifi Router Option
> - Pre Installation check list including ways to test wifi signal
> strength before trying to get things to work.
> - Good and easy to use trouble shooting tools
> - Logitech to purchase iPeng, rebrand and own to insure long term
> support and new feature offerings.
> - Consider dropping Controller or doing some redesign to the HW.

Very good suggestions, to which I would add detection and warning
during installation of AntiVirus installations that would potentially
squelch MySQL transactions. 

mbonsack;451942 Wrote: 
> I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Implement N in the product
> and I'll bet 90% of this duet/rebuffering/etc. crap goes away and
> stability goes through the roof.  How many folks do we have complaining
> about wired setups?  Wireless N will get you that much closer to what
> the wired folks are experiencing.
> I'm not saying that N will fix the bugs, only mask them.  But that's
> good enough for the wife in the kitchen...

Fully agree with that. I think that we may be victims of an
over-zealous Open standards ideology among the original SD founders and
principals. I can sympathize with the principle of it; but at some point
pragmatism should come into play and eventually put the customer
experience as a higher priority than ideology.

regalma1;451949 Wrote: 
> It is still a problem child. I think that Slim Devices may be too
> hardware oriented and too techy. 
> [snip]
> Any product that is defined by engineers and whose final form and
> function is controlled by engineers will fail to be acceptable to
> consumers. That is a bit of an absolute on my part, but I truly believe
> it. By the way, I am an engineer.

In another thread I tried to suggest a role for a "Director of User
Experience" to be the voice of the customer. I guess that mainly
produced giggles at the pomposity of such a title, but that reaction
missed the point. In general, it is difficult for an engineering-led
company (the original SD startup) to morph into a customer focused
organization. Efforts are clearly underway, but may be too little too


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