exile wrote:
> my reason for stating that the squeezebox has been skewed towards the pc
> is based on music editing programs such as media monkey that are
> predominantly pc only in develoment and the number of plugins over the
> years that were built only for the windows environment (i.e.-moose).

Most people on this planet who use computers, and most in the Logitech
target market (North America, Europe, Pacific Rim, etc.) use Windows.
Most developers use Windows.

But I reject your claim that the SqueezeBox is biased towards Windows. I
specifically selected it, way back when I bought my first SB-1, because
it was not biased towards Windows, and all the rest were.

> but I would say too that to operate your server on a platform other
> than what you use everyday for your normal computing seems needlessly
> inconvenient.

You are entitled to your opinion, but servers have different needs. My
first SlimDevices server went over 18 months without being touched, and
without a reboot. That is rare if not unheard of for either OS-X or Windows.

Right now, I'm beta testing 7.5 and while the server is fairly stable,
I'm not getting the months of constant service that I used to when I ran
production slimserver/squeezecenter/squeezeboxserver

> also, are you actually serious pat that you've never even taken itunes
> for a test drive? that's quite precious of you if it's true.

Yes. Never touched iTunes. It has zero appeal to me. First, it requires
an operating system that I chose to not use. I will use Windows if
someone pays me to, and as a professional developer, sometimes I am paid
to do so. Been doing it since Windows/386 2.11 was current. Use o my
Squeezeboxen, from SB1 to Duet to Transporter to Boom and Radio, is not
something I do when being paid for professional development.

Second, for ages, it was all DRM'd lossy music. I care neither for DRM'd
anything, and I don't bother with lossy compressed music. All of my 856
albums with 10444 songs by 530 artists are flac.

Once you have used a dozen or so operating systems, as I have, going
from one to the next is really not that big of a deal. Sure, the
commands are different, but the concepts are universal.

Pat Farrell

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