Ron Olsen;496731 Wrote: 
> * Option to preview and edit filenames and tags before rips start.
> * Option to rip only certain tracks from the CD.
> * Option to interrupt a hung rip and
> a) skip the track, or
> b) retry the rip with different options (i.e. less paranoia
> checking)

1. Option to preview and edit filenames and tags before rips start. -
coverd in above post

2. Option to rip only certain tracks from the CD. - This is a lot of
code why not just delete the tags you don't want.

3. Option to interrupt a hung rip. You can restart the ripper from the
GUI. It should already auto-retry without paronoia but it tries really
hard with paronoia first. We are always trying to get a bit perfect rip
so I don't think allowing users to disable paranoia is a good idea.


rip, tag, get cover artÂ… All you do is insert the CD!

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