erland;566383 Wrote: 
> It's getting painfully clear to me that it's not the primary focus area
> for Logitech, at least not during the last year or two.
I don't think there's been any new functionality for browsing/playing
music from your own library in a hell of a long time - perhaps the last
feature added was Random Play (which is pretty much useless if you want
exclude some genres anyway).

> I should say that the Logitech developers are doing a great job with the
> amount of resources they have access to, so this isn't any critique on
> them. Absolutely - work has been done on other areas, supporting new
hardware, etc.

> However, if we want something to happen it feels we need to take this
> into our own hands. Yes; I feel that killer SBS features are likely to come 
> from
third-party developers/plugins only.

> 1. 
> How do you find music in your own library ? 
> If I know what I want to play, I either browse by artist, or Search.

If I don't know what to play, I start to play random music through
Dynamic Playlists, so I can tailor the music to be played.  Most of the
time, this is using a plugin that I've developed (heavily based on the
good work done with SugarCube), which produces mixes via MusicIP.  I
tailor MusicIP filters to play not rated music, or music not recently
played.  Thus I don't generally end up listening to the same music, and
it encourages me to rate my library.

> - Which way to you browse/search ? (which browse or search menus)
I tend to use Browse Genres depending on mood (eg. late at night, I
browse ambient music only).  I tend to Browse New Artists (Custom
Browse menu) to find something that I've recently added.
I tend to use Browse Years, but only to find something that I've ripped
for this year/last year.

> - Which type of remote/interface do you use ? Different for different
> situations ?
Mainly SB3 or Transporter IR Remote.  It's the fastest, less irritating
method.  When I am at my PC, I use WebUI for browsing/playing music, and
occasionally SB Touch for controlling playback (pause/resume, power off,
volume control) of a Boom player in the same room.

> - Do you find music through statistics based browse menus ? (ratings,
> play counts, history)
Yes, but I am still in a ripping/rating phase with my library, so I
tend to find unrated/new music, unless I'm in the mood for something I
really like (eg. rated 4-5) - I never search for average or worse
music, but those rating are used to prevent playback during random
play.  I play lower rated music only if I select to play a full album
(eg. don't skip the average tracks).

> Do you use album art when selecting what to play ? No.  Artwork only used for 
> display during playback.

> Do you typically start searching/browsing from an artist, album or track
> and want to find something related to that ?
I often browse to something else based on a track that is currently
playing.  Eg. play random tracks, then when something is playing that
takes my attention, I'll browse to music related to it (eg. play the
whole album, or play another album by the same artist).

> 2. 
> How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently don't
> have in your library ?
I discover new music via podcasts (through iTunes->iPod Nano playback), radio, rss newsfeeds from blog sites.  I don't often listen to
normal radio stations.
I try out music from artists I'm not familiar with via Spotify,

> - Are you using the computer, your Squeezebox or some other device when
> searching for new music ?
iPod Nano at work (podcasts) or my PC for Spotify, or MySpace. 
Occasionally use SBS for (search similar artists, etc).

> Through reviews ? Any specific online site ?
For some quite specific music tastes, eg. for Electronic Music/Ambient
music, I use Electro-ambient Space

> 3. How would you like to be able to find music in your own library in
> the future ?
> - What kind of functionality is missing today related to browsing ?
> - What kind of functionality is missing today related to searching ?
Search for similar music to current selection.  eg. use MusicIP to find
music that is like a selected artist/album/song.

For example, I like to play albums.  I may play random songs, until
something I like plays, and then play that album.  I'd like to pick an
album, and browse music that is similar to this, then play a specific
album from the list.

> 5.
> What kind of tagging/management do you do on new music you add to your
> library to make it easier to find stuff later on ?
I add some custom tags: original artist, tags related to live music,
such as the specific performance date, venue, location.

I'd like some additional tagging, eg. to identify different mixes of
songs, albums.  i.e. where I have different versions of the same music,
eg. an original album and a remastered album, or bonus tracks on an

I'd like to see better handling of singles and compilations when
browsing material for an artist.

> 6.
> Do you synchronize the data in SBS with some other application to make
> it easier to find interesting music ?
> - Import statisitcs from MusicIP ?
> - Export statistics to MusicIP ?
> - Export statistics to iTunes ?
>  Yes to those.

Philip Meyer
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