Further info/ideas...

I often play albums, but get to an album to play in different ways.  eg. either 
by browsing new music, artists, genres, years.  By listing random songs/albums 
and choosing an album to play based on something from the results.

Trackstat/Dynamic Playlist provides a lot of good ideas for finding music to 
play, but not in hierarchical structures, so navigating through the lists is 

I have built some custom menus, but often have different ideas for how I'd like 
to find something.  eg. "List only albums that I haven't listened to in over a 
year", etc.  I often want to browse music from players in new ways, but would 
have to go to web UI to configure a new menu first, so I find alternative ways 
based on what I have already configured.

Instead, I'd like something a bit more easy to access from player UI's.  e.g. 
to be able to 

a) select a sub-set of music (i.e. choose 0, 1 or more filters) - such as a 
particular music library, or something like custom skip filters, or TrackStat 
b) choose a hierarchy for browsing the results.  eg. any combination of 
artists, genres, years, age since adding music to library (in months or weeks), 
rating, play counts, etc.  Could be one level or multiple levels deep.  Maybe 
not totally dynamic; could pre-create a list of possible hierarchies to choose 
c) choose a sort order at each hierarchy level.
d) store configured menus as menus for easy access next time.

i.e. I'd see it working with some form of context menu.  eg. under "My Music > 
Browse", have a list of previously created menus.  Within a menu, use context 
menu options to change filter, hierarchy and sorting (for the current level in 
the hierarchy).  Changes would be persisted for this menu, and provide a way 
create a new menu (perhaps menu name could default to name of "<filter> by 
<hierarchy>", but allow it to be manually renamed).

Example filters:
        No filter
        Not Played albums
        Albums with 5* Rated songs
        Added to library within last n months/weeks
        by Music Library
        Not compilations/guest appearances

Example hierarchies:
Example sort orders >
        Date added
        Last played

Should be much easier to configure than Custom Browse menu editing, and 
accessible on any player.
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