snarlydwarf;593788 Wrote: 
> It may look like freedom to choose what you watch, but the Giant Media
> Conglomerates will determine your choices.  Your choice will be "That
> Which Is Profitable".  Independence is out the window: if it can't get
> a million views it's not worth it.

with all due respect snarlydwarf, I think you're wrong. 

i too work in the television business. i'm an editor of tv shows.
People want easy access to media. The itunes store has proven that. So
now we are moving from music to video due to technological
advancements. There's simply no point in trying to fight the
inevitable. Ease of use dictates what will be the future. 

as soon as someone makes a Hulu type product that allows viewers to
easily pick what they want to watch when they want to watch it and on
whatever tv they want to watch it on then it is as good as done.

The old model of letting some giant conglomerate tell me when and where
i can watch my entertainment and at the same time charging me a fortune
for that dictatorship is nearly dead.

local programming will survive just like movies survived tv and
videotape and later dvd's. i could care less if i watch local
programming on the web or through a cable box or rabbit ears. 

the core problem is that people are always afraid of change and I think
sadly for those that work at local tv stations, the old model of local
tv will have to change radically. i'm kinda shocked that local tv still
cranks out the amount of programming that it does. I'm in san francisco
so we have 4 local channels doing at least 3 newscasts a day. talk
about overkill. 

the broadcast model is changing in a revolutionary way and thank god
for it. bring on freedom of choice.

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