Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
individually ?

I don't do this, but it would be helpful for my wife to have her own

If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
family member ?

central computer (vortexbox server)

If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
libraries which is common for multiple family members ?

If used individual libraries, yes I do need shared as well.

Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?


Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?


Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
each family member ?


Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
family members mostly use ?


If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?

Not applicable

Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
share between different family members ?

yes, but also share

If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?

each have iphone/ipad, but also share a CONTROLLER

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