Just me and my wife, unless the kids come over.  Never really had the
money to buy lots of CD's, so we only have about 1000 tracks on my
computer.  It's only on when I'm using it, so LMS is almost never used. 
We stick with online services and stations almost all of the time.  I do
use LMS when I'm having people over and want to play specific music, but
that's about it.

Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
individually?  No.

... keep track of playlists for each family member?  No - we share the
few we use.

... favorites for each family member?  Don't have favorites.  If we
don't like it, it's not in the library!

... ratings and playback statistics for each family member?  No.

Does each family member have individual players?  No - we share the Duet
and the Boom.

Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone?
We share them all, although we generally use our own Androids.

If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer?  The Duet
Controller (rarely used anymore), a Boom IR remote, 2 Androids using
Squeeze Commander (95% of the time) and Mysqueezebox.com on the

How would your dream system work to work as well as possible for usage
of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family?  For
the little bit we use it, it works fine for us right now.

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