Redrum wrote: 
> not saying you aren't correct, but it's worth trying to clean. It is
> very common for one button, or an area to fail, possibly because of a
> spill. a pcb trace failure is possible, but it should be visible under a
> magnifier. Also when using a multimeter for checking traces, realize
> there may be a conformal coating over them (but not the button landing
> pads). You need to use sharp meter probes to pierce the coating to test.
> You could try hunk of something conductive (like copper solder wick) and
> press onto the button in question spot to see if the ir functions
> trigger. This might indicate a problem with the carbon on the bottom of
> the silicone.
> Again, I could rummage around and fine one, maybe two...who knows, I
> have all sorts of parts :)
> JimThanks Jim, I did use spiky multimeter prongs with holes on pcb and legs
of chip.. Maybe it was coincidence but some of hole  corresponding to
not working pads didn't beep on one remote but it did on other.. Same
other way round.. I could see some tiny dots on some tracks but I have
up further investigation.. Hmm maybe I will try again :)

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