snarlydwarf Wrote: 
> Heck, I'd settle for, "Hey, guys, how come my SB does <whatever> and how
> do I make it not do that?"
> It's amazing the sort of responses you get here when you're actually
> polite and ask for help.  It certainly works better than flailing your
> arms around calling everyone liars and threatening to sue, and leaving
> it up to everyone to guess what the actual problem is.
> (BTW, SuperDateTime rocks... now I wanna get one of those weather
> station things so I have -real- conditions, not just what things are
> like at the airport... I'm Not At The Airport!   Of course, that's
> after I figure out what I'm doing with 'home automation' stuff and how
> to work the SB into that..)You're right. We already went down that path. I 
> have plenty of emails
where I asked very nicely about things. Gave extremely detailed steps
to reproduce the issues. And I was lied to by the company. The flaw
with the core chip was not disclosed to me and the issue was
communicated as "we've got that bug in our buglist and we'll fix it
soon". Sadly that was not the case. Yes, I am carrying around some
anger. But this big thread is largely due to the company and its CEO
not owning up to their past problems. Attacking the customer who wasted
$200 on a device that didn't work is not the answer to anything. Not
that I know of. Thanks for your ameliorating influences in this thread.

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